Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Hey blog peeps! I've been neglecting you again but really I haven't been inspired to write. Since I'm not a great writer anyway when I try to force a post it comes out plodding and boring with no real point. So really it's not laziness, I'm saving you the trouble of reading something bad, or something.

The Captain and I are not really Valentine's Day people. There's nothing wrong with people who go all out and gift gifts or flowers or anything else. It just isn't that important to either of us. We'd rather go all out on our birthdays or anniversary. The Captain is an excellent gift giver and I'm always happy with what he gets me on our "special days". Last anniversary I got a pair of fantastic diamond and emerald earrings he designed to match my engagement ring (which he also designed). So on Saturday we slept late, exchanged cards (his funny and mine sweet) and ate Bojangles for lunch. I went to the gym and we had some errands to run. We've been looking at moving to a different place so we wanted to check out some apartments. No cupids or hearts or flowers. Just us.

It was really nice. Besides a quick trip to the hospital to see The Captain's grandmother (she's ok now) it was just the two of us, hanging out together. As cheesy as it sounds, he really is my best friend and my perfect day are always with him.

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