Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Am I Done Yet?

Even though this is my third move in 5 years I always seem to forget how hectic it is. I am a creaature of habit and having piles and boxes of stuff all over the house makes me a little crazy. We also hit a snag with some of the larger appliances in the house including hot water heater, refrigerator and dishwasher which means about 5 minutes of hot water a day, the only working refrigerator in the house is in the garage and no working dishwasher. They're getting taken care of and the Captain worked on the hot water tonight so hopefully that's fixed. But still.....

I had a little pity party today after I just got overwhelmed. I hate not contributing to the family finances and we just keep getting bills. I have applied for a bunch of jobs but I haven't heard back from anyone. On the other hand, there's no way I could be unpacking, cleaning and getting the utilities set up if I was also trying to work a new job. The Captain has been incredible and keeps assuring me that I am helping the family but it's still hard.

On a happier note we had an amazing weekend of seeing friends, going to a baby shower and hanging out with my family. It's so nice to just be able to drive a couple hours to see people instead of flying. The baby shower was for a friend from college and there were a couple other pregnant ladies there. It really makes me realize how much I want to have a baby. But then we're back to the whole "contributing financially to the family" thing.

We've got so many ideas and plans for the future that are all bouncing around, running into each other. We just have to figure out some way to align everything so it makes sense and has some kind of timeline. Like should the Captain go back to school now or later? Baby? Stay in Wilmington or move to an area with more work for the Captain? Should I go back to school? I know everyone goes through this and there's no "right" answer. Right now I'm just going to focus on unpacking, spending time with the Captain and walking on the beach.

1 comment:

L Sass said...

You will find a job and settle in soon, no worries.

Take it easy on yourself, you JUST got there. It's far too early to be stressing.

Like you said, just take some time to bask in the glow of being with your husband 24/7.